T and D conclusions (Off Topic)

by GC, Saturday, April 21, 2007, 20:29 (6235 days ago) @ Giovanni

May I ask to Peter and GC one opinion too? Or you already discussed
this in a thread I lost?

Of course you may...:grin:

Well my opinion is just that I had a yell in the treble that I could hardly understand what else it was telling me.

Bert tweaked it out, as he would do just to hear a T-amp on his speakers, but no way for me, and as you see no way for him as well.

BTW: No, Bert didn't erase anything P and I were discussing. It is much more peacefull between us than you might think.

(Off Topic): I have enough joy here just to enjoy Peters GC. Later amps and what else to come, will come.

I have incomming promisses for Bert own BD30 amp. I have not heard it yet...but Holland reports some insane close to Nirvana experiences. :cool:



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