T and D conclusions (Off Topic)

by Giovanni, Ravenna, Saturday, April 21, 2007, 14:50 (6235 days ago) @ Bert

But hey, if you like the T-amps then use them! As long as you do not try
to convince people that the principle used is the best of the best...

Hi Bert,

from the "what is the best" point of view, I know perfectly that my ZEN variation 9 is one step beyond Tripath, UCD and chipamps.

From "what this amp let me enjoy that others don't" point of view, things change. UCD has nothing to add, unless you need 700W 4ohm with a sound close to an average valve amp.

Tripath amps worse fault is in acoustic instruments timber not so accurate. But are unbeatable with "rendering": sounds don't mix and each instruments looks like to have its own volume and position on the stage. This quality adds something even to ZENv9 amp.

From a DIY point of view, that's mine, the matter is: how can I correct Tripath faults, while keeping qualities I like? Sig 30 are diy amps like TA10 and others: based on Tripath reference designs targeted to consumer market. There is a lot to improve.

From this point of view I'm very interested to a more elaborated opinion about your listening sessions with T amps. High freq raising is something to deepen, what else?

May I ask to Peter and GC one opinion too? Or you already discussed this in a thread I lost?


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