T and D conclusions (Off Topic)

by PeterSt. ⌂ @, Netherlands, Saturday, April 21, 2007, 11:53 (6236 days ago) @ Bert

As GC noticed, these amps act strange pretty fast on loads below 4
ohms but this is not the point,

... because you tweaked that out.

the most important one is their produced sound.

Which in the end (now we properly judged them) comes down to what I "promised" before we started this : they act as a DAC (and some really *are* like a TacT / Lyngdorf which are truly digital amps).

Thus, what it -for me- comes to, is that this "D/A" operation in there, will be one of the hundreds (if not more) of D/A converters existing, and sure the one is better than the other. More importantly, I think that the principles of the (semi) digital amps lead to huge oversampling of the data, which is the very first thing I don't like. For that matter it can well be that treating the outcoming data of them with a nos-DAC (like we do) is the worst thing to do. An oversampling DAC might be rounding the digital errors of the digital amp better ...

But hey, what are we doing then ?
How many times did we molest the data then ?



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