T and D conclusions (Off Topic)

by GC, Thursday, April 19, 2007, 06:19 (6238 days ago)
edited by GC, Thursday, April 19, 2007, 07:35

I could not find a post in the Orphean tweak subject where I could fit in with my observations, hence this little private off topic letter:

I have not much to add to what is already to be found in that subject, but however it is I have the RWA Sigs grilling in here as well.

My Orphs in the Swings has not yet been applied to the tweaks suggested by Bert, so my observations are merily based on listening to a "normal" speaker not been tweaked for any particular amp, which it neither shouldn't. Not the Swings as least as this comes as a universal speaker and not as a DIY thing.
I do not have the slightest problems connecting any tube or transistored amp to the Swings and doing so does not change the sound of the Swings, but merily just show you the differences between different amps. So easy as it is.

Now back to the RWA Sigs: Huhahuha.....what a treble f*a*r*t it is :wacko:
As per the Orphs relatively low impendance at higher freq., the RWA just quote a 10 db rise between 10 kHz and 20 kHz. ZzziiiiiGCGCGCGCg it says.
And how nice is that you think?
I can simply not evaluate the rest of its qualities as per this twingeling thing.
Bert could as he tweaked his speaker to meet the problem, so better rely on his response to the RWA's.

Peter pointed out that T-amps could be sensitive to what's connected before and after them. You are certainly very right Peter about that.

I have two DAC's going here. One is my Vintage oh so nice sounding DAC, that plays troubleless with what ever it has been connected to over the many years.
But the RWA will not accept it: Weeeeeiiiiiiouwwwwwiiiingzzzzzzzzz wooble tones yells out of my speaker at 100 db... at least. Like a gliding tone burst for meassuring loudspeakers amplitude. Did I get a free option for using this as a Clio meassuring system? :grin:

Connecting my TwinDac+ to the RWA everything turns normal again. Aha....so what can I learn from that?


These RWA has failed from the very beginning here as they simply is too weird about what's connected to them in/out.
It is completely unaccepteble to me that one need to add components in series with my loudspeakers to help out that amps problems. No way I can accept that.

So among all those amps we tried out (UCD's however never reached our door step), I should say that the only amp which had appeal were the NuForces. Not in Holland they had, but here in Belgrade. I had no RFI flying around in the air here, but had, what we didn't find in Holland, a lot of triggy start problems and odd grounding requirements. Even the NuForce team in the states stopped quite suddently to respond to my questions why the amps were so weird. Understandable, as they know already they can't help it out. So no dialog here at all.

It is a mystery to me why all those "amp's of the year" are getting Golden Palms, Oscars en mas, and tests of bliss and "finally" the amp we were all waiting for?
They are all of them weird in their own particular way.

If anyone on this planet could explain that to me, using other terms than the commercial relationship between test magazines and manufactorers, I am very open to hear your opinion.

So I play my last card on Bert own chipamps to show a normal behaviour and simultaniously show if it can handle the music the way tubes does it, but with out their set backs.

Finally to make all comments from my side come into a perspective, you have to remember I was triggered by the NuForces qualities of which I found many being far better than tubes and SS amps, despite their odd behaviours.
That started the hunt for the amp of all times, to replace my tubed system.
And all finally lead to a big disapointment as I found nothing to be true of what all the rest well reputed new-class amps could do.



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