T and D conclusions (Off Topic)

by Bert @, Saturday, April 21, 2007, 15:16 (6236 days ago) @ Giovanni


Tripath amps worse fault is in acoustic instruments timber not so
accurate. But are unbeatable with "rendering": sounds don't mix and each
instruments looks like to have its own volume and position on the stage.

I did not hear this as an advantage compared to the LadyDay and not compared to the BD30's I am playing with constantly now. If you want accuracy then the D's and the Tripath' can't do that and even the LadyDays perform worse than those BD30's...

I hear far more separation and details never heard before, not through the D, the T or through the LadyDays.

The major faults of the D and T amps is their lack of real speed or better explained, real dynamical power. Even the LadyDay sounded more dynamic but without enough control.

From this point of view I'm very interested to a more elaborated opinion
about your listening sessions with T amps. High freq raising is something
to deepen, what else?

The impedance issue is not only in the high frequencies, it's over the whole frequency range as if they do not have any reserve or headroom down under...

What else? These things get to my nerves when listening for a longer time.

Non involving, somehow making the brain work very hard to filter out all not natural things in the sound and probably radiating some kind of energy in the air too...

My guess... wrong principle used for repoducing music on all aspects!


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