A lot of comments on the Bd15 cabinet (BD-Design)

by GC, Monday, February 12, 2007, 10:12 (6290 days ago) @ PeterSt.

Hi Peter

I do not want to get in to filter building, as i have no experience

all with that. I am intend to use the filters from Bert.

Then you are in good hands, eventhough he will have to sweat over this.

GC, I don't think anyone said that Bert will create the filters for
Nor did Angelo say that there's something to be newly created here.
However, I thing that *will* be necessary ...

And I don't think Bert can do that from a distance. Man, he even brought
the Swings to my house just for learning what the filter would do in a
larger room.

I have no clue what Bert wants and for that sake Angelo, exept he would like to go commercial.
What I have a clue about is, that if Angelo get him self a filter created for a different system, and that coinsidently wouldn't work, who would get the blame?
The Orpheans? Bert? Angelo?

But as I said....no clue. And I'm also pretty indifferent about it.
My comment were pointed at Angelo's project, which seen from my desk looks good, but is a challenge to make sound good.



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