A lot of comments on the Bd15 cabinet (BD-Design)

by GC, Sunday, February 11, 2007, 14:32 (6291 days ago) @ angeloitacare

BTW a few things more Angelo...

You are up against Mother Nature here with a displacement between the DB

15's and the Orpheans of, was it, 60 cm's?

it's 45cm.

And that is 35 cm's too much.

I do not want to get in to filter building, as i have no experience at
all with that. I am intend to use the filters from Bert.

Then you are in good hands, eventhough he will have to sweat over this. :heat:

Choice of materials:

Let my just here express my hate to MDF and alikes. MDF sounds very dull

and swallow all harmonics from the unavoidable resonating cabinet. Add it's
own dust/glue caracter, which is awefull.

I do not have many choices. I will have to go with what is possible to
make the cabinet curved. But i will brace it internally, to avoid
resonances. The way it is shaped, it should already avoid standing

I'm not taliking about stiffening the cab or bracings. I'm talking about the MDF's own sound. Knock on it and hear what will be applied to you sound.

And then I seem to be pretty stupid and are likely the last one to find out that you and Bert are working on a common project.
Sorry guys....
I'll pull out then. :wink:



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