Klipsch belles with Orpheans (Orphean)

by Bert @, Tuesday, February 27, 2007, 18:27 (6360 days ago) @ Anders

Hi Anders,

I am a new poster in forum, and first i would like to thank Bert and
everyone for refueling my interrest in hornspeakersdesign.

Welcome and thank you for your kind words.

As i am in a situation to totally renew my system, the only component left
are a pair a Belle Klipsch basshorns , so the question is, whould these
work as a startmeup option with the Orpheans? Please give me your

According to some it seems to work well using a similar situation (with Klipsch LaScala as mentioned in a German thread linked below). Hey Ivo, now it is getting on topic! :wink:


I do have second thoughts about the optimal timing though but the bass horns are rather short, migth work okay even though it is less optimal.



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