Creativity is back... (BD-Design)

by Telstar, Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 16:38 (5438 days ago) @ Bert

Thanks, Bert.

Also, the layout looks nice and I'm pretty sure that it measures better than a flat baffle. It should also be possible to integreate a ripole (4x32 cm vertical opening in my case) for the woofer in the bottom part making it less angled.

Thanks for the kind words but do you really think that a ripole would work well?

I dont know until I try :)
I have close wall placement (max 60cm), so a classic front facing dipole (with help from u-frame) would have some problems of the backwave null.
An alternative is to put the woofers sideway, but that can sound worse than the Ripoles. Agian i need to experiment in my setup and in my room.
I have never liked speakers with side woofers. My guts tell me that the ripole will be better, so I'm starting with that.

I never liked enclosed woofers with their cavity resonances "peaking" nicely in the crossover range...unless you use them as subwoofer or having a steep crossover at least one octave below the first cavity resonance.

Or am I mixing things up here?

I have never liked BR and closed woofers too.

No, you are right. But the ripoles that Rudolf designed for me have resonance at 300hz and i will cross around 200. Yeah, the filters will be steep and for sure in digital. If they can work well, your enclosure design could be my definitive one :)


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