Creativity is back... (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 15:51 (5438 days ago) @ Telstar

Welcome Guido,

How much db attenuation this filter correspond to? I'm going to simulate it with my test PC. This'll help me evaluate the Hemps as well.

About 3dB if I recall correctly.

Also, what is your opinion about "passive" filtering BEFORE the power amp? I would add a highpass filter at the same time in that case.

I am using this principle all the time and for many years too...

But I need to measure the drivers first and I havent received my Eathworks mic yet. My ears tells me of a rolloff between 200 and 250hz on flat baffles of 35cm width.

Could be, I do not have a 35cm wide panel.

Also, the layout looks nice and I'm pretty sure that it measures better than a flat baffle. It should also be possible to integreate a ripole (4x32 cm vertical opening in my case) for the woofer in the bottom part making it less angled.

Thanks for the kind words but do you really think that a ripole would work well?

I never liked enclosed woofers with their cavity resonances "peaking" nicely in the crossover range...unless you use them as subwoofer or having a steep crossover at least one octave below the first cavity resonance.

Or am I mixing things up here?


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