Preamp and amp recommendation (BD-Design)

by madprofessor ⌂, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Sunday, August 19, 2007, 15:23 (6100 days ago) @ Bert

Hallo Bert!
Of course You are right, that always the complete chain and the room cause the final result. Some money spent on the room can give much better results, as the same money spent on equipment.
Also I agree, that different kinds of amps can give very good results. But to my experience, single ended triode amps have something special - more of the feeling to enjoy the music more "live". By a technical point of view, valve amps never perform as good as solid state-amps, which shows that the way, amps are normally measured, doesn´t take grip on all facts. I´m trying to find some of that substantial, but till now no standard procedure, measurements.
For example: I measured the output of a good D/A- converter up to 200 MHz. There were a lot of spurious signals, like clock and mixing products. Constructing a filter, damping this unwanted signals by about 80 dB, also the audible sound improved quite a bit.
There are still many ways to explore!

Best regards


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