Preamp and amp recommendation (BD-Design)

by madprofessor ⌂, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Saturday, August 18, 2007, 09:53 (6101 days ago) @ putterart

I also use a horn-system. For speaker-cables I´ve got good results with van den Hul Revelation.
To drive the horns, I use a Single Ended Valve amp - for testing a modified Music Angel with 845 output tubes, but I´ m building now an own amp using the GM 70 triodes.
The preamp I build myself, using very good components, but very few active elements. All the other cables I also build myself.
It´s always difficult to give recommendations of production gear - a lot of stuff is to expensive for the performance offered.
Maybe a Hiraga would be a good choice for power-amp - they are not to expensive used. Or a decent valve amp.
I didn´t hear Berts new amps, but what I read in the Forum sounds very promising.
Best regards


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