Preamp and amp recommendation (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Friday, August 24, 2007, 13:14 (6082 days ago) @ robmatthew

Hi Bob,

5) That brings me to my final conclusion (apology for the length of this
post). As sensitive as the ORIS/Lowther is, it really opens up with 20 to
30 watts even though it only needs a fracton of a watt most of time. It is
not that you need to play it so loud, it just sounds easier and more
dynamic with the the added power reserve BUT, it has to be "good" added
power reserve and that is never cheap.

Thanks for the elobaration and it does match with my own experiences. With one Watt things do play loud but the "drive" is less than with higher powered amplifiers. Although, there are 6Watt amps that do provide the drive but these have highly overdimensioned OT's and power supplies. This way the first Watt is a real Watt with much headroom behind it.


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