NuForce talks (Off Topic)

by GC, Saturday, January 27, 2007, 17:10 (6316 days ago) @ PeterSt.
edited by GC, Saturday, January 27, 2007, 17:37

Hi Peter

Nice writing and many verbal pictures explains better than "Statements" :grin:

I'm not sure your "teachings" have reached your bad pupil down here..ha ha :holiday:

I'm 290.000 % sure that Bert made serious improvments since I consumed coffee and poluted the air with my cigars at Brinkersweg. It's 1/2 a year ago, I think. (Missing the cozy time with the Bert).
Even the SWINGs which arrived here were not quite the same as those I "approved" at that time. Some minor improvements sneaked in in the mean time until they arrived here.

If I sound like a salesman from NF can only be reasoned by I actually am a salesman. Exaguration and oversell/underdeliver are my merrits and most profound qualities he he he :prankster: (joking)

I'm trying to wake up USA to hear their story about the weird NF's and their crazy behaviour. Let's see.

Anyhow you will have a second chance to listen to these noise machines once you get the SE's. Then we will of course know more objectivly if we disagree on anything, should you have luck feeding them with the mains they so stubbern require. :cool:

Funny: One hour ago two guys left my home astonished by the sound here. They are not "Freaks", but ordinary behaving normal human beings.
They listened to the system with the BP's connected and expressed they never ever in their f..... life had heard anything like it. They said "It is unbeleivable what we witness here".
Now leaving the amping job to the NF's, which as I said is not even properly running here, they said: But know it's is much cleaner and much more understandable. As if somebody cleaned up the whole soundstage and left only pure air remaining. We don't know what to say?"

All directly quoted biased by a salesmans tounge.:lol:



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