NuForce talks (Off Topic)

by GC, Saturday, January 27, 2007, 11:44 (6317 days ago) @ PeterSt.
edited by GC, Saturday, January 27, 2007, 12:16

Dear Peter

Dear GC,


Mine too...

PS! Just to get one thing precised. I'm also playing on the 9, not the SE
who's said to be even better.

Whaaaaat ?!!?!
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't know that.
Hmm ... so now we're talking about the exact same product, that changes things ...

Well I thougt I mentioned that? No time for checking now.

Well, then we must make a happy thread of this.

It's already happy

And for once I will "defend" all reviewers saying this is the
best. How could they recomend a sound that is so scary lausy screaming
howling useless to anyone. It caNot be they are lyeing that

Somehow I can't find these. Note though that I read very different opposed to normal human being, monkeys and the like. So, I find reviews allright, but judge them as biased, commercial, etc. I don't mean in general, I mean the NuForce. For fun GC, you could point me to such a review, and I can try to explain how to read it.
Might you come up with 6moons : there's nothing there (SE). Just nothing. It could well be that they didn't even connect it. Just an example.
Don't say that 6moons is trustworthy, because *any* reviewer raving about the best product each next month, is just not. Can't be for statistical reasons.

Well if you are interested in the untrustworthy 6moons review i posted the link here
On the you will find all reviews under the "home"...just link on.

Remember, we turned this into a happy thread (well, I did), but I could also ask this question :
"How can it be that someone is happy with no matter what amp if he is using another component in te chain which makes the sound worse always". I won't refer to the by now boring two letter word, so this time I refer to horn speakers, let's say, the SWING. Now suppose you have the SWING and I have a Thiel or whatever $10,000+ loudspeaker, and I bought this amp and rave about it's clarity, openness, effortlessness, distortion-free sound, beautiful cymbals, unheard lows, very good staging, tears in thee eyes before unheard playback. Would you, owner of the SWINGs, even START to believe the trustworthyness of that person ?

Well, if it's what he hears. Yes, I would beleive, but not be convinced, like you propably would'nt, that it would work the same way for me.


No. Yes. No....He might not hear it all, but he will hear something. Maybe I got it all wrong, but I was able to hear improvements for decades, eventhough my gear maybe not were objective.

The only thing happened is that this person is now more happy than before.

And that's a good thing.

With you GC it is the same. You own/use the SWINGs but you can never rave about proper sound, because you just don't have the proper playback means. And I say it once more : when using "normal" playback means, things start to sound like the NuForce. Please read this sentence once more, because it tells that one way or the other, you most probably listened to the same we heard, because the player already does it to you.

Arh....Peter. I know what you mean. But I will contest that if we don't pocess the ultimate player, we just have to consider all our playback gear as junk. Including the SWINGs. Including the music. Including the room. Including our self.
I'm not quite ready to hang myself because I don't have your GC

But this is a happy thread, and we must have trust. So we do.

There is a rather simple test anyone can apply with enough horsepower in the amps to blow out the windows. Remember to use a digital source (hence no turntable) :

Preferrably use a 112dB or more speaker. Now turn up the volume so loud you will never normally listen to. Btw, keep in mind the previous sentence, because already in there is the crux.

Okay, in my case that would be 4 x 130 continues Watts the volume near 12 oclock into the SWINGs. It would produce aeroplane like SPL ...
Assumed you can bear it on the sweetspot, start walking around in the room.

If all is okay, nothing hurts your ears with any kind of music, you do not encounter standing waves (except less than approx 1m from walls), and in fact you could turn up the volume further if you'd feel the need.

Now I challenge you, in fact anyone to do that. I know *I* can do it, and I know if some track hurts my ears (where it well can be that lots do not), something is wrong somewhere (like the experience of matching the SWINGs + filters to my SS system).
There are no standing waves in my (untreated in fact too large) room, when *all* is right.

Now be honest to yourself, set the NuForce at 12 oclock (ehh, twist the knob some 20 times) and tell us what you hear. Are you comfortable with it ?
Mind you, I am not suggesting the NuForce hurting your ears, I state that the CD player already does ...

Well I did something like that. Of course the NF could blow out the windows. The BP's can't simply do that and starts to blurr things arround it's clipping point.
The NF stays in my room cool until it clip's.

It is the other way around just the same;
If you tell us that nothing hurts, you can be anywhere in the room without encountering standing basswaves or harshness in the highs for that matter (standing waves again).
If you have problems with the NuForce volume knob, just think of aeroplane levels ...
And don't forget : any music.

I "trust" it you won't come back with "no problems".
Anyway, keep this in mind as a theoretical reference which works in practice too. In my room it works. In Bert's rooms it works just the same.

Well my problem was it was rather my ears started distorting, than anything else. I almost got tinitus after leaving the NF full juice into the SWINGs. Huh....

Btw, did you try to watch television with the amp playing ? the thing is radiating as hell. Knowing this, it becomes very hard to think of good sound hence the thing not influencing everyting around it.
The device IMO is illegally CE branded, and is improperly grounded as well (wrong design).

I did not try that. You might be rigth?

BTW. Didn't we agree that what we hear is the relative truth? You heard crap, I heard bliss. And we beleived in each others experience.
In between your lines I read that there is quite some more beleivable truth at Brinkersweeg than here at Bulevar Avnoja :wink:
? :grin:

Sorry for the layout of this response. I did not dare to keep the window open that long it takes to answer. I just copied and pasted from a word doc.



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