NuForce talks (Off Topic)

by GC, Saturday, January 27, 2007, 07:14 (6317 days ago) @ PeterSt.
edited by GC, Saturday, January 27, 2007, 09:19

Hi Peter
:swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :swoon: )

No that problem is not solved yet. I understand you were making a longer post and....uoops..gone!:agressive:

Concluded : We were trying very hard to find out what was wrong, and the
salesman wasn't very helpful. For now we must trust *you*, and as I said
before : aferwards we were talking a long time how it could be possible
that you judge the NuFore just to be very good. :friends:

You can trust me. And I trust you. We are talking about some outcomes that are simply too different to get any sence out of it.
And for once I will "defend" :blush: all reviewers saying this is the best. How could they recomend a sound that is so scary lausy screaming howling useless to anyone. It caNot be they are lyeing that much?:confused:

That amp caused me my lifes headache re. AC and grounding. The only thing I did not try out yet is to play from a different source than my TVC. I have been forced to use that, because 2V RMS from my DAC directly into the NF would have been :teasing:

I will leave my findings on this thread. :read:

I will also call the friendly Mr. Jason at NF USA to enlighten us.


PS! Just to get one thing precised. I'm also playing on the 9, not the SE who's said to be even better.
I have not ordered a SE yet until all AC questions are answered and solved.

PS!PS! And you know me that well that my mission recomending the NF's is neither commercial or even close to religious. I don't care from what, whom or where good and bad sound comes from. Just good sound comes. :yes:

My terrible long praisings of the SWINGs sound on this forum were driven by one fact only: I have never heard a speaker system that good (subjectively). I just had to get the preassure out and therefore spilled a lot of words in these topics. :heart:


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