Why should I Want to Build the Bicor 20? (Drive Units)

by chaos, Monday, March 30, 2009, 14:41 (5525 days ago) @ Gasper

Thank you Gasper for your remarks,

I have "some" experiences with Lowther DX3 in Fidelio enclsure and I would like to sugest you to go with Singular - I think this would Bert know better...

Can you explain why the Singular would be a better choice than the Fidelio?

For a small room I'll recomend you something like this: http://www.bolha.com/oglas3356512/audiofilski-zvocniki-proac-1sc

My room is 6 by 3.5 meter. And I'm interested in fullrange speakers because of the problems I've experienced in the past with electronic filters. I made a few fullrange hornspeakers before, with a very small Fostex, a smal horn with the 3 inch Fostex FE83 and a bigger horn enclosure with the 4 inch Fostex FE103. I consider the FE83 to be better sounding, with clear high frequencies, although a little to small for enough bass, while the FE103 sounded dull and not tight enough and the bass had very little detail. That's why I'm now considering the Lowthers: I like the concept of the fullrange speakers, recognize the potential, but I think it is necessary to use very high quality drivers, better than de Fostexes I used before.

Kind regards,


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