Why should I Want to Build the Bicor 20? (Drive Units)

by chaos, Monday, March 30, 2009, 09:20 (5525 days ago)

Hi, I'm new here on this forum.
I'm interested in the Lowther Bicor 20, a very small enclosure designed by Lowther, especially made for the DX45, DX55 or the DX65. I know very well this design wasn't made for huge bass frequencies. But I have a rather small room and play music on rather low levels. And I'm more interested in a complete and fast sound, free from coloration.

- Does anybody has any experience with these speakers?
- How do they sound?
- How do the different drivers (DX45, DX55 or the DX65) sound, is there a big difference between them?
- How do the Bicor 20 speakers with DX55 sound for example compared to the larger Bicor 200 with the EX2 or EX3?
- Is it true that 5 inch full-range drivers have less problems with 'shout'?
- Does anyone know obout other mature DIY-designs for these drivers, for example something like the Singular?
- Should I build these loudspeakers or focus on different designs like the Bicor 200 or the Singular, with 8 inch drivers like the EX2 or EX3?

I hope someone can answer a few of my questions, thank you!


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