Some questions about bass integration and XOs (Oris Horns)

by GC, Thursday, December 20, 2007, 22:44 (5993 days ago) @ GC
edited by GC, Thursday, December 20, 2007, 23:12

GC: Hello it's me
GC : Hi again pal

Seems I'm either skizo or just like to talk to myself?

Hm..but I just in way discovered important missing text in my post:

The weakest point is the speakers! DuNo it is!

Yes, but how is this? Logically we caNot detect what our gear or the beforesaid michrophones are doing. We can meassure it by other means, but that does not mean we can *hear* it. It's electrones (AC) in there deep under.
The same counts for internal data mess or harmony in the digital domain: We caNot hear it before it hits our ears through the loudspeakers.
Loudspeakers then becomes sort of a reference for understanding what is in the electronical world and what is in digitized world.

So only two places we hear anything (Except for singing cardriges and tubeamp trafoes):

1) Either to go to a concert and listen.

2) Or listen to your gear through the speakers *you* have.

And those speakers has to be rather truthfull, fidel, and very refined to make point 1) = point 2) - the listening room.

So where this topic started it in a way also ends, for me at least. The speakers are the only tools we should concern most about. If they caNot tell you what you heard in the concert hall (exclude our sources being non-perfect here)then those speakers are the main problem if we assume our gear and source pic-ups are rather OK.

This was my point from the beginning in this very interesting and most pleasent exchange of opinions. :heart:



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