Some questions about bass integration and XOs (Oris Horns)

by unknown, Thursday, December 20, 2007, 11:51 (5994 days ago) @ Rooze

Well I suppose I should throw my hat in the ring, as I am using the Tact 2.2X to integrate my Hedlund horns (DX4s) with BD15s in 'reference' cabinets.

The Hedlunds give a presentation I really love, and I spent many happy months moving them round my room to try and optimise the sound. I eventually settled on near field listening.

The integration of the BD15s followed the same story, but this time there was much more to it, namely tuning of the passive crossover, speaker positioning, room interactions, BD15 to Hedlund interactions, phase interactions etc. God did I wish I had Bert here to work his magic:wink:

I had a system that was very good but did not excite me.

Then I tried the Tact 2.2X. I pushed the bass cabinets back into the corners to exploit room boundaries and spent a couple of weeks getting the sound perfected. At long last the system came alive. The bass is free of bloom and runs seamlessly into the Hedlund frequencies. Voices are locked centre stage and as realistic as I have ever heard on my system. Sound stage is big and the system now just plays music.

With the advent of XXHighend, the system has continued to reveal and exploit all of Peters iterative improvements. So even if square waves are turned into sines I still love it. I think I am one of those fortunate souls that has difficulty in detecting problems with phase, time alignment etc, but perhaps when my system plays music properly then these things are just right:grin:

I cant picture going back to the sound before the Tact, but I have an open mind about Nosdacs and will eventually try one.

For me, any system is about compromises. The Tact 2.2X brings far more to the party than it removes.:good:


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