reference compact driver alternative (Off Topic)

by soundcheck @, Germany, Saturday, November 18, 2006, 17:07 (6422 days ago) @ siepi

Hi Malcom.

Perhaps you start studying
The page gives you a lot of background and refers to a lot of reference sites, tools etc.
There are also some threads on DIY-AUDIO about Ripoles.
You'll find the links also on


I never listen to Rock-Music. (at least not on my system) :grin:
I don't know what to tell you about it.

A poor flat recording will sound poor and flat.
The Ripole plays what's on the disc. No extra bang or boom.
That'll be a new experience, that's for sure.

The more I focssed on High-End audio, the more I wanted to listen to more natural, live and complex music.
Over time my music-taste changed completely.
All pop and rock sounds boring to me nowadays.
Classics, Jazz and Folk are my preferences.

The other day I had the YIM-HOK-MAN - Master of Chinese Percussion on the player. The first track "Poem of Chinese Drum", with real big drums
blows your mind off.
Once you have heard that, you wouldn't ask if the dipole is able to play
Rock-Music or bass. It's breathtaking.

Dipoles need some air to breathe. Otherwise the reflections will impact the sound.
Best position is 1/3 of the room size. Due to the acoustic shortcut on the sides, they do not need much space (50cm) to the left and right.

Constructionwise it is pretty straight forward. You've seen that on the pictures. Let me know if you decide to go ahead. I can get you some more details.

Cheers Klaus


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