reference compact driver alternative (Off Topic)

by soundcheck @, Germany, Friday, November 17, 2006, 08:16 (6423 days ago) @ PeterSt.


What I know is that the driver for the BD15 is especially
produced/manufatured for BD-Design and stuff like Q etc. matches the
cabinet and rolloff towards the mid-high section(s).
There's more to say, but I'll leave that to Bert when he is back.

Maybe I should add that whereas the BD15 officially goes down to 30Hz, I
measured a 25 Hz "straight" (in room) and very steep rolloff under that.
Note this is a musical driver (with super lightweight cone) and not a


Below refers to my (or other) open dipole enclosure:

In my case the BD15 does behave according to spec with an fs of 37Hz and a QTS of 0,25.
I don't see a level of 30 or even lower Frequency, without equalization.
The low QTS doesn't give a boost in the lower range around FS, when installed in an open baffle.
It would need quite some equalization to boost the driver up around FS or lower. With my Behringer I do equalize the lower end slightly.

Even though I miss out some Hz on the lower range. I'd never go back to
vented or other designs. The airy undistorted bass is just outstanding.

And yes - The BD15s are nice musical woofer.

If you want to have a woofer for a dipole design going lower than fs of 37Hz you may look for a driver with a higher QTS (Which brings in other problems!).



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