Room Acoustics (Off Topic)

by DuncanKennedy, Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 03:22 (5532 days ago) @ madprofessor

I asume, You use spherical horns from BD-Design? My experience is, that the radiation-pattern at the horn mouth is frequency-dependent. Lower frequencies radiate nearly 180 ° while higher frequencies have a smaller angle of radiation.
I have next to my horns bookshelfes with uneven arranged books, which has a pretty good overall effect. Of course it depends on the rest of Your room, but I´d suggest to start at the wall nearly in the same point as the hotn mouth opening and go on for about 6 - 9 feet. Also it depends very much on the material You intend to use for room treatment. In earlier Years I used Jute ( the material used to make sacks for potatoes-transport) to cover all my walls. But I think any thicker kind of fabric will also do.
Maybe You could specify Your romm dimensions and speaker placement, to give more detailed ideas about possible room- treatment.
Best regards

Thanks Stephan,

When determining first order reflection point from a conventional speaker (tweeter), a straight line is projected from the tweeter then off the side wall in a reflection to the listening position. I have been utilizing different acoustic treatments in my room and wanted to establish this point for reference.

My confusion is due to the horn's physical influence on the line of site technique suggested in a general acoustical guide to establishment of the reflection point.

Thanks for the treatment suggestions.


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