Room Acoustics (Off Topic)

by madprofessor ⌂, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Monday, March 09, 2009, 19:53 (5532 days ago) @ DuncanKennedy

I asume, You use spherical horns from BD-Design? My experience is, that the radiation-pattern at the horn mouth is frequency-dependent. Lower frequencies radiate nearly 180 ° while higher frequencies have a smaller angle of radiation.
I have next to my horns bookshelfes with uneven arranged books, which has a pretty good overall effect. Of course it depends on the rest of Your room, but I´d suggest to start at the wall nearly in the same point as the hotn mouth opening and go on for about 6 - 9 feet. Also it depends very much on the material You intend to use for room treatment. In earlier Years I used Jute ( the material used to make sacks for potatoes-transport) to cover all my walls. But I think any thicker kind of fabric will also do.
Maybe You could specify Your romm dimensions and speaker placement, to give more detailed ideas about possible room- treatment.
Best regards

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