Digital EQ (Off Topic)

by GC, Saturday, December 22, 2007, 11:11 (5981 days ago) @ PeterSt.

So you could grab your blanket over the lamp picture (it must be here
somewhere) as the example. Did it help ? yes. But when did it help ? when
things were still wrong / not optimal. Was it needed when things were
optimal (at that time) ? NO !
We even OPENED curtains ...

But of course you are right, but to my theories this will be so when other
things are still wrong.

Yes Peter I remember the lamp trick and things were not *chain perfect* at that moment.

As they are now, I can repeat the lamp trick. I does the same to the room as before. But now it's indifferent to my brain wether it's there or not.

I think we say more or less the same thing here... :yes:



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