Digital EQ (Off Topic)

by GC, Saturday, December 22, 2007, 10:37 (5981 days ago) @ PeterSt.

Hi Peter

I am not sure that a room correction made by tweaking it with furnitures, bookshelves, pillows and carpets caNot make it up for room anomalities. I think such things can help.

My point is as long the playback chain is delivering *perfect* sound in harmony with the human brain, then that sound does not scare you out of any room damped or not. You simply co-exist without trouble.
If the playback system does not tell what will be expected from the brain to happen, the adrenalin will force us out of there.
Anything unexpected will always cause a shock to us.

And when I talk about the chain in this context it caNot be either the one or the other member of the chain that can take the honor for delivering the perfect non disturbing sound. Each member counts even.



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