Singular good for this driver? (Singular)

by cdwitmer @, Sunday, October 01, 2006, 21:58 (6439 days ago)

Hello there, I'm looking for a good enclosure for a very unusual 1970s era Japanese 20cm fullrange driver and a friend suggested looking into the Singular. I'd appreciate opinions on this! Here is information about the driver:

1. It is "edgeless" (no surround), instead supported by a double spider.
2. Qts is 0.38.
3. It has an extremely flat impedance curve and a very low Fs.

Measurement data and images follow:

Revc = 12.4510 ohms
Fs = 28.7906 Hz
Zmax = 468.5634 ohms
Ro 76.381 ohms
F0 23.322 Hz
F1 35.644 Hz
Fmin 380.901 Hz
Qes = 0.3913
Qms = 14.3338
Qts = 0.3809
Le = 0.3164 mH (at 1 kHz)
Diam = 165.0000 mm (6.4961 in)
Sd = 21382.4660 mm^2 (33.1429 in^2)
Vas = 199.6444 L (7.0504 ft^3)
BL = 7.5219 N/A
Mms = 9.8292 g
Cms = 3109.0051 uM/N
Kms = 321.6463 N/M
Rms = 0.1240 R mechanical
Efficiency = 1.1738 %
Sensitivity = 92.6959 dB @1W/1m
Sensitivity = 90.7748 dB @2.83Vrms/1m





Singular good for this driver?

by Bert @, Monday, October 02, 2006, 09:21 (6438 days ago) @ cdwitmer

Hi Chris,

According to the spec's I would say that it will do well but the missing surround will make the efficiency of the column somewhat less due leaking air.

All I can say is to give it a try or use it in an open panel with some kind of support in the bass.



BD-Design - Only the Best!


Thanks Bert!

by cdwitmer @, Monday, October 02, 2006, 22:52 (6437 days ago) @ Bert

Thanks Bert !

I'm going to see how much bass I can get from the largest folded open baffle that I can live with, and if that's not fully satisfactory, I may give the Singular a try.



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