Hi - Ferric what does it do? (BD-Design)

by GC, Wednesday, April 13, 2005, 19:44 (6961 days ago) @ GC

Hi Bert thanks for your comments it ties up with my own conclusions!

Having just removed the Hi-Ferric from a pair of Lowther Diaphragms the difference is "Stunning" to say the very least.

My question is actually open ended in that I am looking for a way or for someone to justify the Lowther statement that the Hi-ferric helps acceleration away from and not only back towards the mean rest position - I cannot fathom that out as the Hi ferric is not encircled by or within a coil it is simply painted on a coil.

I agree - it certainly acts as a break and can only work as a restoring force towards the position of rest and not as an acceleration force away from the position of rest - and that is a big no no and in addition directly against what Voigt was trying to achieve?

Hell the stuff is a nightmare in terms of what is does to the sound - my ears are still battling to believe what I am now hearing!



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