Mac vs Windows PC (BD-Design)

by GC, Thursday, February 03, 2005, 09:20 (7029 days ago) @ GC

Has anyone got the last word on the Mac vs WPC debate for driving the

With the Mac Mini, entry into silent running could be a viable option with
an external hard drive to transfer EAC and WPC converted CD?

I am not a computer expert and my experiences are only related to a Windows based system. I remain sceptical regarding the iBook and not properly configured PC's until I have compared it in my system.

With my PC laptop (running on batteries and silent while playing) there is already a major difference in sound when using different software/drivers to handle the data stream.

The iBook might sound okay, a PC can sound okay as well but the flexibility provided by a Windows based system makes the PC sounding better after it is configured properly. An iBook is simple to work with but you can't change anything which might improve the sound.

Also, when using a PC for playing music I strongly suggest to use it only for that. Get a relative cheap PC laptop with USB2.0 and use that for your music.

Is there anybody close to me who has an Mac or iBook who likes to compare it with a Windows based PC for playing back music through the TwinDAC+? I would like to know and I am sure that more people would like to know this...




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