Ordered the MiniDsp Amps - Bert, what Crossover Recs? (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 10:37 (122 days ago) @ Kevin

I ordered a pair of PWR-ICE250 from MiniDsp. I am going to Bridge them. I should get them in a couple days. I am currently running a 4th Order, 270 Hz High Low Pass at -9db volume on my Hypex Amps. What would be your recommended Crossover that I should start with initially?

I would start with the same settings ...

I see they have Butterworth, Linkwitz-Riley, and Bessel... Which makes it easier to understand for me.

If you can't measure then you can try Butterworth and Linkwitz-Riley (even third or second order) but be aware that the phase will flip or becomes worse just by switching between those options. Try in- and out of phase while listen for improvements.

If you can measure the system's response then you can do a lot more and see what's happening.

Problem is that the response of your corner horns are probably not flat from 20-500Hz and therefore impossible to tell what sort of crossover you'll need.

If the corner horn is acoustically measured flat then a 4th order at 270Hz Linkwitz would be my pick.



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