BD15 drivers (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Saturday, March 23, 2024, 12:30 (126 days ago) @ RLRB

Hi Bert,
i think ripoles work well till 120 hz or so, i cut at 163 hz lr24 and fullranges Oris 150-Aer are crossoverless. i think 163 hz is too high and in that frequency is not optimal, i have been years thinking in adding another way from 80 to 170 hz aprox in closed box and 8 inches Seas Excel.

Did you measure the output of the system? When no EQ is applied to the ripole with BD15's then the bass will be too weak and dissapointing ...

wich way would you take

Try to EQ the bass first and if then you still feel you'll need something else then an Onken will give the best.

I have some videos in youtube,


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