Have a Manual for the 2.11 Hypex Software ? (BD-Design)

by Kevin @, Minneapolis, Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 14:05 (1099 days ago) @ Bert
edited by Kevin, Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 23:41

Hi Kevin,

Sorry... v2.11 was before my time I started with Hypex... I have worked with v2.12 and v2.9 (both without manual) and later I have seen v4 (with manual!) but never worked with that version.

I guess you have to figure out how to work with it yourself?


Yes, I meant 2.12 Version. And while I have figured out how to work with it, there are some some nuances that I wished I had the documentation for. I guess you don't have the manual for 2.12 either?

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