Bass amp (Oris Horns)

by Bert @, Sunday, January 24, 2010, 21:04 (5214 days ago) @ fu_man

Hi Fu_man,

Long time... :wink:

I had thought the Nuforce amps might be quite good as bass amps for the BD15's, they have very high damping values which could = good control? ... and they are small, efficient and reasonably high powered. (I've never tried them myself tho'.. a bit hard to come by in NZ)

I had my try with the NuForce and the versions I tried were not good at all...yes, they do deliver power (but like a turbo diesel...).

After several experiments I tried the BD30 you refer to and the "ballerina" was back with nice tight, articulated and dynamic bass and not some wooooof sound.

To me the NF (in the bass) sounded like a PC calculating what it should do before acting where the BD30 already had done the job without thinking.

Of course best 'must' be Bert's own DIY amps that he used to sell for the bass speakers but those have long gone from the website. They evolved into the Crazy amp i think.

Yes they were and now these are reserved for completed systems only. The BG's used in them are limited (not manufactured anymore) and only last until I run out of stock.

Maybe a DIY amp offering will come back to complement the new DIY bass cabinets that Bert has currently under development? Who knows what plans are brewing...

No plans as I am looking myself for a replacement...thanks for starting the topic Martin!


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