Audiaz-Cables (Oris Horns)

by madprofessor ⌂, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Friday, November 07, 2008, 22:34 (5657 days ago) @ Bert

Hallo Bert!
I don´t think, its related to "flat" cables - it´s related to some structural advantages:
When you have a "normal" cable, conductors for + and - are quite close together, which means, the fields generated by a single conductor interact with each other, which basically means a kind of distortion. Having the conductors at some distance to each other, this means low capacitance, so higher posibble frequency limits = faster pulses, less interachtion of the fields = less distortion.
With flat cables there is an additional advantage: In the case of Audiaz or Nordost cables there about 10+ conductors each, for + and -. theses conductors are spaced from each other. That means any emf interference from outside will hit the cable mostly a different points. The averaged signal will benefit from some cancellation.
Also as well Nordost as Audiaz use solid core conductors, which, given enough surface, normally gives better results also.
At the moment I´m doing some measurements on cable structures, to find out possible improvements.
By the way, this "flat structure turned to a spiral (means the grond connector ist the core of that spiral) give quite good line power cables...
Best regards Stephan

The Duelund resitors in the impedance lineraisizing network of my X-overs gave some sonical improvements, which I didn´t expect!

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