Bass enclosure finish? (Oris Horns)

by madprofessor ⌂, 27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Sunday, December 30, 2007, 16:52 (5984 days ago) @ Gasper

Hallo GC!
There is some special laquer for wooden floors - which can be used as a primer, cause it seals the surface quite well. After sanding, just put the colour You like on that surface, but don´t use acrylic based colours. In case You want a real shiny surface, take several layers of clear gloss laquer. It´s a lot of work, cause You will see any small imperfections in the surface.
Myself, I´m not so happy with water based (acrylic) colours, but they improved during the last years.
Also I don´t like, by purely acoustical reasons, flat surfaces, cause they can reflect sound. With my Oris Reference Cabinets, I took alloy-foam for the outside finish. But I can understand, if the optics are not to everybodys taste!
Best regards


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