Ciare HX201 in Oris 150 (Oris Horns)

by Bert @, Monday, December 03, 2007, 14:51 (6011 days ago) @ Ivo

Hi Ivo,

So why isn't the Ciare on your list?

I do not find anything interesting in that driver to try it myself...

I notice 2 major things:

There is a huge and wide dip in the lower midrange (probably breaking up strongly and cancellation due to its mechanical construction) plus the impedance curve that, even flattened a lot(!) still shows a lot of ripples in the higher frequencies which means resonances. The rising response is only a product of uncontrolled resonances if you ask me...

You may follow what other people write on their forums though (hype?) but it needs more to trigger me before I show any interest...

I could be wrong though,


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