Wanted : AER MD3 (Drive Units)

by daiwok @, Hong Kong, Sunday, September 30, 2007, 12:31 (6072 days ago) @ Bert

Hi Bert,

Nice to hear from you.

I am using front horns - Azura 204Hz. My friend Rafal bought a pair of AER MD3 from you recently with the new acrylic phase plugs.

I tried the AER and with basically my amps, Supratek Cortese with Yamamoto A-08s and foudn the AER more detailed, more natural, better treble. However, I did like the lowther PM4a, more dyanmic, nicer mids. I wish you coudl have both :grin:

I am using the factory fitted phase plug which are the big wooden door ****s and wondering how the lowther could be tamed a little. Saying that, I do understand that both drivers are different design where the AER has bigger movement, which I assume means better micro dynamics. Both sets of magnets shoudl be very similar in strength I guess.

So I guess what you are saying is even bigger phase plug with exponetial curve to dissipate the treble even further. Beauhorns come into mind now....

Anyway - I liked what I heard, so now I am looking for a pair of second hand AER MD3 for myself. I have seen some on the internet, both badged with www.aer-loudspeakers.com and not www.aer-loudspeaker.com. Filip has advised me that both pairs are still from him, but one pair was sold by the faker and could be tampered with. I guess not easy to find a nice genuine pair:unhappy:



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