Experimenting with damping material (Singular)

by MikeH @, Saturday, May 05, 2007, 08:35 (6223 days ago) @ GC

Vincent, even though he still has both ears.
From the Don McLean song.

A long story about the origin of the cat's name follows.

I was staying at a friend's house after a party and wanted to make some breakfast when I discovered a massive tower of dishes in their kitchen. Her and her brother had used every single bowl, cup, plate, saucepan and storage container in the house to eat from. They were both feuding with each other like only a brother and sister can and neither would back down. This was a truly massive pile of dishes, they were even useing saucepan lids as plates. There was nothing left to eat from.
I had woken up early and washed a few to eat breakfast from, then I decided to keep going until one of them woke up. So I played that side of that Don McLean record, over and over, very loud. I kept playing it trying to wake one of them as I washed the dishes. Both of them throught it was the other one doing it, they had forgotten I was there and they were determined not to give in to each other.
Well, I played the same side of that record at least 6 times as I washed those dishes. I know it was well over 2 hours with Don McLean blasting away. They must have been going insane, I know I was. I ended up washing all of the dishes. So what happened in the end? Well he is my brother in law and she is my wife. The cat was a 30th birthday present for her.


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