just do it (Drive Units)

by fu_man @, Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 14:01 (6272 days ago) @ GC


build them - you know you want to! I've seen these before on the NP website and thought they look like a lot of fun to build. Part of their attraction is their extreme nature. If you built them you would not regret it, even if they don't sound as you hope for you will learn a lot, have a lot of fun, have fond memories of that crazy thing you did once (like GC and his flexi-pipe vents!) - and so long as you don't do what Nelson did and blow up the drivers, you can always reuse the drivers - especially if you do use BD15's because you know that there is a design for these that will work well.
If you don't build them, you will always wonder... and you will waste time trying to convince other people on web forums to just do it.:wink:


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