Communicating... (Forum)

by Bert @, Friday, March 09, 2007, 10:21 (6277 days ago) @ Flecko

Hi Adrian,

I think most people here are writing in a language that is not their
native language. My experince shows that misunderstandings are not seldom
in chat's or forums even if people write in their native language.Perhaps
the foreign language attracts people, saying something in a more ruff way
as they would do in theire own language? Just some thoughts.

So true. The dictionary of native languages has many more words that can be used to be more diplomatic and much more easy to understand (reading between the lines) what is actually written.

Perhaps we all should use simple "school" English trying to explain what we want to share? And if that doesn't give enough options then we can post pictures or even cartoons... :grin:



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