What to do with too many Watts ? (Off Topic)

by Bert @, Friday, February 16, 2007, 14:09 (6328 days ago) @ leifchristensen

Hi Leif,

how does this comply with the postulate,that the first watt is the most
important?on horns more than anything.

Sure the first Watt is still the most important one and it is possible that the new technology has the same problem as the standard SS amps.

Still, there are some SS amps that do the first Watt very well (class A?) where already some power is used to get the amp to work. A warm amp usually sounds better and all those new amps are all feeling stone cold...

I do not have any idea how these new amps work though, my guess is that these do work very hard in the Mhz regions (without getting hot due to low current) and therefore migth not have the common SS problems?

If a cold new type amp already sounds better that a "hot" one then perhaps these can even be improved further by letting them work a bit harder to produce some heat where it is most important?

If it sounds worse then this might be the reason and cure, time will tell!

Either way, to go back to the original topic, adding resistance at the output of the amp to absorb energy and making the amp much less efficient migth be a good idea too.

Additonal note: that last idea won't work to aborb enough energy simply becasue a loudspeaker is not a resistor with a fixed value. The changing impedance creates a variable reduction of energy and thus changing the tonal balance of the speaker.



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