Kill time while waiting (Off Topic)

by GC, Thursday, February 15, 2007, 11:24 (6329 days ago) @ unknown

Hi Chris

But you guys have speakers even more sensitive than my Hedlund /BD15
combination, and here you are looking at amps of 700 watts. :shame:
If you are having a special amp built then why didn't you settle for
something less powerful and put the money into better amp components such
as the power supplies?:bey:

It is not at all about "power". Well you need "enough" power, yes. But enough is enough.
In my case with the SWINGs 112/db/w, I live comfortably with my 5-8 watts from my SETs. That more powerfull tube//SS amps would tighten something up in the bass, is very likely.
CoGCceting my 400 W Classe is proving oposit. The bass is here more "slubbish" than myt SETs.

The topic here is about D-amps for audio apllications, and they come AFAIK not less than a 100 W....yes some even up to 700 W.

I tried only one of the type. The NF ref9. And eventhough I too late found out that it dosn't go together with active speakers, I had them playing.
But even this twiggy test turned out for the benefit of the D-amp over my SETs.
I have decribed elsewhere in the last threads about my opinion, and that's not so far away from all the euphoric reviwers experienses.

The "statement" amp Hypex will bring us, I don't even know how powerful is? Maybe B&P knows?

If the amp of all times will be of 17 Gwatts dosn't matter to me. :wink:



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