bd30 amp (BD-Design)

by GC, Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 21:47 (6791 days ago)

Hello i just have the bd30 amps playing
first there were some hum problems but i fix that
they are very quiet now.
I like the sound of these and i heard now that a bass amp is very important for good sound.
It is the quality of the amp that made good sound and not his watts rating
i tried different amps for the bass 150watts transistor,gainclones,tubes se and pp but none of them is even close to the bd30!

the sound was already very good from the begining. But is there also a run in time for these amps?

I am still very busy with the filter, i will get the best of the best integration between the 2 horns and my room
the Oris system deserves this.
Regards Robert


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