oris horn (BD-Design)

by GC, Monday, May 23, 2005, 15:52 (6924 days ago) @ GC
edited by GC, Monday, May 23, 2005, 23:38

I want to purchase an oris horn and intend to build it diy without the bass
unit. Is it possible to match it with my James subwoofer EM1000?
Thanks .

Hi Vince, I went the Oris 200/AER3 route and used that with my existing subwoofer system, a Kinergetics Tower. See the 'Showroom' Using Berts filter before the sub amp, and fiddling with the choices of components you get with the filter, and with his clear instructions, even as a non tech person, I feel I have a perect match. I chucked out all the Kinergetics electronics/crossovers. To sum up, I would say, definitely try it with the Bert filter, bypassing your own sub's xovers. Better than 70% chance it will be fine, and you will get the low growling notes in too..After all, even if the lowest note is a little slow thru the sub, the upper harmonics of that same note will come thru the Oris like lightning, and give the you-are-there CRACK...


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