Oris room size requirements? (BD-Design)

by GC, Wednesday, April 20, 2005, 01:01 (6952 days ago) @ GC

Well, I'm very new to this, so would you have any recommendations?

If the walls are solid then you could think of horns like the Klipsch
corner horn (preferable shorter in path length). A LaScala horn is an
option which can be altered a bit with more volume and added reflex ports
for deeper bass. There are also some semi horns (reflex like but then
corner loaded with a short horn along the walls).

I live in a building that was constructed back in the late 1920s, it's 15 floors so I live in a concrete shoebox. My physical room is 22ft x 12ft with the short side having a window with a view and the opposite wall being the back where my bed is. So consider the bed to be a major acoustic damper for the rear? There is a middle partition that holds way too many books that could be removed if I were to arrange my stereo to point the lenghth of the room. This would put my speakers in true corners with a window in between the speakers (I saw many systems conifigured like this on your showroom). My corners are based on verticle concrete beams, so my corners have corners within corners if that makes sense. I would estimate those beams in the corner measure 12" by 6".

Most easy and best way to integrate will be something like the Reference
Ultra where the bass is loaded with a modified Oris 150 horn though...

Many options but all depends on what you can fit in the corners and whats
most important to you regarding performance.

I have another thread that I started about a very recent symphony experience. I'm very turned on with dynamics from that event. If that is realistic or not, it changed the way I view reproduced music. My prioritized are being defined right now. But I do know that my box speakers are good, they aren't THAT good. I'm noticing a deficiency in timber, resolution, timing, speed, and cohereance.


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