Amplifiers, newbie is confused !! (Off Topic)

by GC, Thursday, March 31, 2005, 07:26 (6972 days ago) @ GC
edited by GC, Thursday, March 31, 2005, 07:53

Read it and weep.


When Kuei (Thorsten Loesch) is talking about uncompressed, low distorted
and controlled directivity, he is (among others) talking about BD-Design

Go to the chat column, and read what owners have to say about the single ended, output transformerless, SEOTL, one and a half watt amp. Here is a do-it-youself, or ready-made amp that is, in my opinion as a user, faultless. It costs peanuts compared to other high end amps. It also 'matches', 'mates well', 'superbly drives' or whatever you wish to call it, without getting tooo technical, the AER speakers,.. The AER'S, are in my opinion, as a user, as close to perfect as you need, considering that only master tapes will really let you hear how they do live music. See the 'showroom' for my set up. That is what I arrived at after forty plus years of upgrading, and seeking the ultimate....


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