Bass amp - power needed (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Monday, September 13, 2010, 22:07 (4996 days ago) @ Paul Folbrecht

Hello Paul,

Sorry for the slow reply, I have been out the office for a few days...

I'm still looking for a bass amp for my Orphean Compact Ref bass bins (which, by the way, are fantastic!)

Go for a gainclone variant with at least a 300VA powersupply per channel and enough capacitance using quality capacitors or wait for the BD30MkII which will provide good and clean bass...

I am getting the new caps this week and will built up a pair of BD30's and compare those to the original BD30's. I am expecting good quality sound from those and will report back about it...

Do not start with vintage amps or tubes in the bass unless you do not like clean, dynamical and tight bass.


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