Bass amp - again! (BD-Design)

by Gasper, Sunday, September 12, 2010, 10:19 (4997 days ago) @ Russell Craig

First apology to Paul for going off-topic. Sorry.:pardon:

Second: Sorry Russell for slow reply but I was "out of town".:cool:

I have to contact a fiend who made this amps. He is specialist in repairing TaNoy's (old drivers), Naim's, turntables (Linn, Thorens,...), etc. He told me that PCB's are from Neil McBride ( He also used some special square cables inside (no air gap between cables) and all components are best quality. Also housing is very nice and painted in mat-black with some structure. Real nice. The amps are in mint condition.

I hope you get what you ask if not please do not hesitate to conatct me.
My mail :

Best Regards,

Gasper. :good:

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