PM6C vs AER (BD-Design)

by Bert @, Monday, May 31, 2010, 11:25 (5101 days ago) @ Daze

Hi Daze,

I have a chance to also use a pair of AER Mk1. These are not modified (for phase-plugs). The response might seem obvious, but I have read conflicting remarks opn this... Would the AER Mk1 be a big step up from the PM6C in the Oris 200?

The AER with phase plugs will be a step up for giving more extention in the higher frequencies and softer midrange compared to the Lowther PM6C's at cost of dynamics.

Without phase plugs the presentation will be rather fuzzy and not as clear as it should but if you would have the Transparent Phase plugs then these can be mounted with double sided tape (the weigth of those plugs is very ligth making this possible).


These are 89 Euro ( the pair, excluding VAT and shipping)


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