Matrix principle used... (BD-Design)

by Don Reid, Rural Northwest Georgia, USA, Thursday, March 04, 2010, 18:51 (5177 days ago) @ Bert

Hey Bert,

Aside from its desired and probably achieved practical purpose that is also a gorgeous excample of wood working skills. Back in the 1980s I designed and built matrix boxes for some 3 way d'Appolito enclosures with Dynaudio drivers using a forest of 25 mm wooden dowel braces, 18 mm plywood end of dowel sockets and mucho fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin to tie it all together. It worked very well, but the inside of my enclosures were about as visually attractive as the rear end of a baboon. Yours is a much more elegant design.

The Dynaudio enclosures were very good speaker systems. All of the drivers were top of the line including the famous Esotar tweeters. Ever since I got my Oris 150 based speakers up and running years ago the Dynaudios have been moved to a basement bedroom where they probably aren't played more than one hour per year.

Don Reid

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